Capture configuration

See Also

To configure how Grabber2k is going to capture and what it is going to capture you need to open the Settings dialog and make changes to the settings. When you first open the Settings dialog, it will appear like :-


The Settings dialog has 3 main "pages", these are the Capture, Image Setting and Advanced pages. We are going to concentrate on the Capture page for this topic. There are three areas on the capture page. These are as follows :-

The first area is the area entitled "I want to capture after", this really is the how, you can tell Grabber2k to capture after :-

A key press, where PrintScreen is the default key
A delay, where Grabber2k will capture after a specified time
A combination of delay and key, where if the key is not pressed then the delay will capture

The default is "A key press"

The second area within this page is entitled "Start Capture". This section is for specifying what key to capture with and/or what delay period to capture with. PrintScreen is not the only key that can be used for capturing, click on the Capture key option and you will see that Middle mouse button, Right Alt key, F11 and F12 can be used. If you have a 3 button mouse (not the thumbwheel one) then you can use the middle button to capture with, which should speed up the captures. It is in this section you can specify a delay for the the "A delay" and "Both delay and key" options in the section entitled "I want to capture after", but remember, if you set this lower than 20 seconds then you have to process your capturing for every capture within 20 seconds or less, the recommended minimum is 20 seconds. If you want to include the mouse cursor within your capture you can tick the option entitled "Include Mouse"

The third area within this page is entitled "I wish to capture the". This section allows you to specify what it is you are going to capture. For an explanation of exactly what each of these are, click on the links below :-

The whole screen
The Active Window
A Window
An Area
A Client Area
An Object

1. Open Grabber2k and go to the Capture options on the Settings dialog and select either A key press, A delay or Both delay and key from the I want to capture after option. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen (or not, if you are using A delay).

2. Open Grabber2k and go to the Capture options on the Settings dialog and select either Area, Client, Screen, Object, Window or Active Window from the I wish to capture the option. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen. You should experiment with screen other than the "My Computer" window. For an explaination of what should be captured, click on any of the links below :-

The whole screen
The Active Window
A Window
An Area
A Client Area
An Object

3. Open Grabber2k and go to the Capture options on the Settings dialog and try checking and unchecking the Include mouse option. Now open up your "My Computer" window and press PrintScreen, the resultant screen shot will or will not contain the mouse cursor, depending on what option you picked. At this point you should also experiment with using a capture key other than PrintScreen, such as MiddleMouse, if your mouse has 3 mouse button (the middle mouse cannot be a Scroll button).

Time required: 15 Minutes

The capture options are not just confined to those described here, there are another two pages of Setting on the Settings dialog, these are the Automatic Options on the Image Settings page and the Advanced options page.